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Old 31st October 2010, 07:39 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Dear Mr. Lighthuman,
Please dont make the mistake by thinking that Darky is some thumb sucking Gumby, when it comes to the punt, he is highly successful & knowledgable of such matters, although he does not always show it with some of the fun systems mentioned, because he is not arrogant.

He could talk to you about complicated analysis of sectional times , but feels your eyes may just glaze over in the process.

His motto is to have fun when on the punt, no matter what approach one adopts , being unpleasant & mean is uncalled for , so please make ammends to address this accordingly.

You should, my friend, get down on your knees & beg forgivenes from your betters ,for your wicked ways.

Cheers and try and enjoy the Punt.
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