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Old 12th November 2010, 11:31 AM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,456

Sub GetRaces2() Sheets("RaceList").Select Sheets("RaceList").Range("A2:AB500").Select Selection.ClearContents Sheets("Races2").Select Sheets("Races2").Cells.Select Selection.ClearContents With Sheets("Races2").QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _ "URL;" _ , Destination:=Sheets("Races2").Range("$A$1")) .Name = False .FieldNames = False .RowNumbers = False .FillAdjacentFormulas = False .RefreshOnFileOpen = False .BackgroundQuery = True .RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells .SavePassword = False .SaveData = True .AdjustColumnWidth = True .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False End With A = 2 B = 2 strquote = Chr$(34) TrackName = vbNullString RaceNumber = 0 Do While Sheets("Races2").Cells(A, 1) <> vbNullString Or Sheets("Races2").Cells(A + 1, 1) <> vbNullString If IsNumeric(Sheets("Races2").Cells(A, 1)) = False Then TrackName = Sheets("Races2").Cells(A, 1) If TrackName = "Port Macquarie" Then TrackName = "Pt Macquarie" A = A + 2 End If If IsNumeric(Sheets("Races2").Cells(A, 1)) = True Then RaceNumber = Sheets("Races2").Cells(A, 1) Sheets("RaceList").Cells(B, 1) = TrackName Sheets("RaceList").Cells(B, 2) = RaceNumber Sheets("RaceList").Cells(B, 3) = "=GetAddress(Races2!E" & A & ")" Sheets("RaceList").Cells(B, 4) = "=SUBSTITUTE(C" & B & "," & strquote & "&" & strquote & "," & strquote & "&&" & strquote & ")" Sheets("RaceList").Cells(B, 4) = "http://" & "" & Right(Sheets("RaceList").Cells(B, 4), Len(Sheets("RaceList").Cells(B, 4)) - 80) Sheets("RaceList").Cells(B, 5) = "'" & Mid(Sheets("RaceList").Cells(B, 4), 70, 10) A = A + 1 B = B + 1 End If Loop RaceCount = B - 1 End Sub

My vba is limited but i can see where the problem is, in the above code if all we need is the address can't we just use what is outputted in column C
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