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Old 17th November 2010, 01:41 PM
Try Try Again Try Try Again is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 1,057

Hi Dale,

I had a look at your suggestion at reversing the amounts bet on each selection.

Based on the horse's opening price we would have bet in the following manner:-
  1. <= $4.00 bet 1 unit
  2. >$4.00 to <= $7.00 bet 2 units
  3. >$7.00 to <=$10.00 bet 3 units
  4. >$10.00 to <=$21.00 bet 4 units
  5. Any horse opening >$21.00 was not supported
The results showed a dramatic change with a loss now of 79.4 units a LOT 15.2%.

Bart Cummings showed a greater loss from 4.4 units to 71.6 units
Peter Moody dropped from a profit of 138.8 units to 63.2 units
Mark Kavanagh was the only one to show a change in direction going from a loss of 6.9 units to a profit of 38.9 units
Mick Price showed a greater loss from 54.4 units to 61.1 units
Peter Snowden dropped from a profit of 4.3 units to a loss of 48.8 units

The reason Mark Kavanagh had such a large turnaround was because in his 5 winners 2 paid $18.70. By betting more on these winners we made a greater profit as there were only 42 bets made on MK's horses.

I think based on these results I would stay with my original staking plan.
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