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Old 28th November 2010, 09:24 AM
aussielongboat aussielongboat is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 259

hi all, i cant get this or the unitab grabber to work. with the form ratings cyberhorse wont open up
and with unitab i get this message - even though i have an account:

Why am I seeing this page?
You have clicked a Runner name and you either,
do not have a UNiTAB Telebet Account; or,
you have not logged into your account for the past 30 days on this computer.
As a free information service available to account holders, provides a detailed Form Guide for each runner in each race.
The Form Guide contains in-depth statistics to assist you with your betting decision, including last three starts, historical performance at the track, distance and in the wet plus breeding.
If you have an account and would like to access the Form Guide, login to your account now. That's all it takes.
You are given a 30-day pass to view the guide, whether you are logged in or not. Every time you login, your Form Guide pass is automatically renewed, so, unless you don't login for 30 days, the service is always available.
Don’t have a UNiTAB Telebet Account
If you don't have a UNiTAB Telebet Account, visit the Create a New Account page.
You can be up and running (and viewing the Form Guide) in a matter of minutes.

any hints/guidelines from anyone would be appreciated

thank you

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