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Old 12th December 2010, 10:46 AM
Raven Raven is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 225

Would work well for me, as I usually only bother with Saturday racing.

Here are the plans Im looking at:

1) Consider only races less than 2000m
2) Consider only horses with less than 20 career starts
3) Must have at least 3 career wins
4) Must have less than 56kg before any claim
5) Aged between 3yo and 6yo

Days between runs:
6) Quick back up: Raced in the last 8 days, OR
7) Freshen up: Raced between 28 to 70 days ago.

These are very simple to apply, and using the Sportsmans Chartform, I can list the contenders in minutes now. Before each system had their own elimination rules & all slightly different. But as I say, I've concentrated on Sat only up till now as well.

The On-Pace rule:
8) Horse must have been in the first 4 positions to the turn/400m last start, AND was in the first four positions to the turn/400m at one of its previous two starts.

OK, wesmip, Im not sure if you can automate this final rule, personally i use it as a guide. But you could just list all propable contenders & I make a final decision about whether or not they are on-pacers. **** pert form & R&S form guides have this info so can be found easily.

Yesterday, I eliminated Mascareri under this rule, 7th at turn last start, 5th at turn when 1st up. But I backed The Fugitive in Mlb even though he was 6th at turn last start. I could convince myself he was an on pacer based on his 1st up run & last prep. Swings & roundabouts I hope.

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