Thread: Calling Raven
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Old 13th December 2010, 06:53 PM
Raven Raven is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 225

Thanks lomaca,

Im surprised to hear it was treading water early this year. But, in particular the freshen up horses, have had a few losing years when i was researching this, so it does happen. But overall the performance was solid. It always bounces back after a bad year too.

If there are 2 selections in a race, i'd back both. If they were 1st & 2nd faves i'd probably leave the race alone though. If we were unlucky to have 3, i'd back the 2 roughest. I generally dont bet below $4 so Im more inclined to back the longer priced selections. This is just a simple system afterall, and Id magine the profit is in the higher priced selections long term. I also think we can get better overs on Betfair when the prices are longer.

And yes the last 2 months have been good. It continued on Sat, 2 winners from 3 bets.

I will admit that i've chopped and changed the rules as i've reasearched this through the year. Its in profit for the year all up. The rules i have now are quick and simple to go through, which is part of the deal.

For the record, I'm only having 0.5% bets for the win only
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