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Old 14th December 2010, 09:49 PM
iPunter iPunter is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 13
Default Seeking advice for various info...

Hi all

Been watching alot of race replays lately & wondeing about a few terms I hear about how a horse runs.

Can someone please help me here to clarify a few of the following; with what I think they mean in brackets.

Hung in - (I'm thinking it means the horse held its head away from the rail & hung its bum into the rail during the race?)

Hung out - (I'm thinking it means the horse held its head into the rail & hung its bum away from the rail during the race?)

Off the bit - (Rider has allowed the horse to run to its full potential, IE let the reigns loose & is urging it on?)

Carried wide (Assuming its been forced to the outside running of the track, or atleast away from the rail by another runner)

Also, I see form guides saying a horse "Raced greenly" which I figure is basically the horse playing up for the rider & generally making a fool of itself? Or does this mean it strode with a certain gait?

Finally, does anyone know where I can get ahold of early form guides (Preferably the day before) that show what gear a horse might be wearing. Basically I'm looking for guides that might note if a horse is wearing blinkers or a nose roll for the first time etc (As in perhaps a hint that it might not do one of the above bad habits & the gear could correct this behaviour giving an indication that this next run may be an improvement on its previous runs)

Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I currently log onto NSW TAB or sky racing & get the next days form guides but they don't have any of this info & also I am currently only using a subscription reward points to access the replays, this will run out soon & the form guides will no longer be available to me. I also use Bigponds racing website which is great for certain races but it doesn't cover every race I want to see. Being a little measly with my funds I am hoping to find somewhere I can veiw race replays for free but I'm guessing from what I have already searched it may be a subscription of some kind will be required if I want to keep this habit of watching replays up.

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