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Old 17th February 2004, 09:41 PM
Posts: n/a

the posts were "edited" again.

But I will persiste and write it up again.

observe table for 15-30 minutes
2 @ $5 chips on Centre and Right Column
If win, collect profit of 1 chip
If lose first spin, add 2 chips + 2 chips + 2 chips = 6 chips total
If win, you get back your initial stake, plus the 1 chip profit for the 2nd spin.
If lose 2nd spin, then it's 6 chips + 6 chips, + 2 chips. See the pattern ?
losing spins add the total loss of previous spins, PLUS to "normal" chips, to give you 1 chip profit per spin.
If win after a series of losses, it's back to 2 chips.
This has the potential to make $100.00 per hour.
But must observe the table and the spinner, and not every "next spin" is a bet.

If this method gets "edited" by management, please explain at least ?

[ This Message was edited by: puntz on 2004-02-29 21:24 ]
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