4th January 2011, 06:46 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Gerry
Posts: 389
PC Lit...etc
I pay for the data which I download as required, i.e. when I feel like a bet. It comes as a .csv file which I save as an .xls file then extract the bits I need.
I then have to manually input the data to my Qbasic program which then rates the starters and produces a market priced to whatever percentage I want to work to. What I usually do is produce a 100% market and then I can either lay or back one or more selections according to whether, using Betfair, I can get (i.e. back) over the odds, or give (i.e. lay) under the odds.
I wrote the original program about 12 - 15 years ago and I have not done any updating for 10 years so am out of touch with the new programming languages, and because the manual input takes so much time (even tho' I'm retired) I have lost a bit of interest.
This program has been profitable over a long period of time, but as I say, the downside is the time taken inputting the data via the keyboard. I'm a senior cit. these days and have better things e.g. golf to do with my time.
Another member of the forum has emailed me and is being of assistance but if you want to join in, feel free to email me at the address given in an earlier post. Thanks for your interest,