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Old 25th January 2011, 09:03 PM
jose jose is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: brisbane
Posts: 419

Mate, I feel your pain.
I was locked up and bent over like a half opened pocket knife for 6 months about 10 years ago.
After a scan it was revealed that I had ruptured 2 discs, somewhere around L3 and L4 from memory.
The specialist I went to wanted to operate on me the next week. I told him that this was a big decision and I would have to talk it over with the family, and he got quite shirty. (still maintain he just wanted a new set of golf clubs)
Finished up going to a back rehab course at the Wesley Hospital for 2 weeks.

There was about a dozen in the 2 week course, 3 of these people had had back operations.
One bloke was a bit better after the op.
One woman was about the same as before the op.
And one poor soul was just about wrecked, she was a lot worse off after the op.
The scarring in and around the back is sometimes worse than the original complaint.
Glad now I didn't let him open me up.
Having said all that, they have come a long way with back ops in the last 10 years or so, but my advice FWIW is if they offer you an op put it off as long as you can.
I have been stretching every morning ever since and as long as I don't overdo things it is quite manageable.
Enough of me, I do hope you come good soon.
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