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Old 26th January 2011, 08:46 PM
michaelg michaelg is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,788

I'm ending the system because of today's two accidents, I didn't keep any records but I'm almost certain it would have lost.

I've been looking at another "illogical" lay system:

1) Identify the top neural selection based on the default/factory settings.
2) Minimum of 10 runners.
3) Lay the top selection providing it has less than 200 neural points.

I have always found the neurals can be quite puzzling, so I decided to see what would happen if the top selection was layed. I've restricted the top selection not to exceed 199.5 points. There was one selection today at exactly 199.5 points - it was beaten.

I haven't been keeping accurate records because if the selection is/was under $7 I would lay it for one unit of $5, because the liability would be lower than S.P. And, conversely if it's price was over $7, I would lay it with S.P. so that its liability was only $30.

Sunday there were 28 selections for 27 smiles, 19 of them were single-figures with Unitab divvies. It was a massive day.

Monday was break-even, mainly due to the low prices, which I layed non-S.P.

Tuesday there were 9 smiles from 10 selections for a profit of about $20.

Today I only layed S.P. because my back seems to be clearing up (please Forum Curse, please leave it alone) so I decided to lie down (fortunately there was not too much pain) and watch the cricket. There were 24 smiles from 26 selections for a profit of $54.15.

It's an illogical system, but then people may easily have the impression that the neurals are illogical, and therefore the system might just turn out to be logical.
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