30th January 2011, 07:49 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 1,096
Originally Posted by Dale
to apply to races with 10 starters or more
Hi Dale,
If I may ask, what's your rationale behind the number of runners in a race for the Quinella, or at all, for that matter?
I can sort of understand not betting for the place when there are less than 8 runners, although the usually higher place divies, more than compensate for the lack of a third dividend, but for the other kinds of wager..?
When we talk about 18 to 24 horses in a race it seems on the face of it, that the chances of finding a winner is harder.
But it's only true if you look at the race purely mathematically, the class horses are still winning their true share of the races, and the interference that sometimes caused by the high number of runners, is again compensated for by the higher prices.
Liked to know why you think 10 is better than 11 or 9?