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Old 3rd February 2011, 07:20 AM
michaelg michaelg is offline
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I'm persevering with the 200-plus points. Its too early to tell if it's got merit or should be sent to the scrapheap. And I suppose its somewhat heartening that yesterday's loss was not too damaging in spite of a high 50% accident rate.

Yes, sometimes the profit on a race can be very small. Since Monday there have been 16 smiles but only two of them have produced a profit of under $1.00, whilst nine of them with a profit of over $5.00. Seeing that most of the selections are high in the market, some even start fave, that its not surprising there have been close shaves. But what I find surprising is that there have been only three accidents from 67 selections. Of course that could easily change from today especially as there is no real logic to it.

Fingers crossed.
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