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Old 25th February 2004, 02:33 PM
emu emu is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 13


I pulled out The Sportsman on 6/2/04 to see if I could get your exact selections for Sat. 7th of Feb. .
I got most of the winners bar one. Sydney R4h1. I dont know how you picked that. It's win s/r is or was only 13.6%. Therefore no bet?
I also had picks that you didnt have like Syd.R5h4,h9.
Mel. R5h4, Adel.R2h3,h9. and so on.

What am I doing wrong?

I seems like a good system to follow for the next 6-8 months to see how it goes.
I'm not sure if I understand the won T/D section in the sportsman.
I assume your using The Sportsman. The section This Track(underneath a runners name) may have 1 in it and so to with This Dist. ,but where it says This T/D might have a 0 for the same horse. I'm just a tad confused with that aspect of the paper as I havent really used that info. before.

If you could help me out that would be great.

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