Thread: Tab Numbers
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Old 23rd March 2011, 10:37 PM
Dale Dale is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Bundy
Posts: 292

Im with you on the top 6 in handicaps Party but cant come into the others.

Things like days since last start are meaningless to me,yeah they win a large % but thats only because a large percentage of starters are in that catagory,doesnt tell me anything other than they are overbet.

Whatsmore some of these stats are at the mercy of the changing face of the sprot,for example before Vintage Crop won the cup it was unheard of to set a horse for a distance race first up,thesedays trainers are aware that each horse is unique and they set them accordingly,the percentage for something like raced within the last 21 days is slowly eroding,something like the top 6 pre post on the other hand is a constant.
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