Thread: I'm more bored
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Old 10th April 2011, 07:40 PM
moeee moeee is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
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Originally Posted by woof43
Thanks Moeee for that vote of confidence, I'll tell the staff tomorrow morning to start looking for other work, send back the rebate cheques and start looking for a job.

Everyone is a Winner aren't they?
But when the attempt is made to post something to prove it on a Forum, ain't it funny how we all seem to fall flat on our ********.

I ain't been doing well at all lately, but am doing better than what I have been posting.
But people can only judge on the evidence.

If I had the personality of Wesmip or Woof43, then I'm sure I would be needing to hire staff as well.
But I don't , and that may, or may not be a good thing.

Wesmip, do you treat your gambling as a hobby, as an investment, or as a career?

Perhaps someone can suggest a self improvement type course where a Gambler can improve the persomality traits that are necessary to be successful, rather than handicapping or mathematical skills.

Catch you all tomorrow afternoon.
And thanks very much for the input.

I'm over and out for tonight.
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