11th April 2011, 02:36 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428
"It just really gives me the ********s when everything goes hunky dory when testing but as soon as the money goes on the ********ing thing blows up in my face FFS."
Here is a method that can work well with that situation.
I have won a lot of good money using my mates so called Lay selections , you know the ones, pick the 35/1 pig to fall over & watch it win.
I have a theory that says the Lay market is more accurate than the Back market
Have the Bot make a Lay bet selection with real money say 5.00 at 60 secs till jump.
Now make manual Back bet on the same runner for 7.00 (40% more than Lay bet)
We are only risking $2.00 in real terms.
You will be amazed how many get up to win at good prices, when you least expect them to because their form looks horrible.
Ask your mates which of the top 3 Favs they think will fall over and watch them get up to win.
Its important that actual money is placed on the Lay bet because its results are always different to Sim mode results.
That is an anomaly observed by all who use Bots.