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Old 22nd April 2011, 09:18 PM
beton beton is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 589

what is the relationship with the strike rate and the fav's odds.
Fav @ $1.10 3 wins 5 races 60%
Fav @ $1.20 18 wins 22 races 81.81%
Fav @ $1.30 92 wins 117 races 78.63%
Fav @ $1.40 171 wins 256 races 66.79%
Fav @ $1.50 247 wins 412 races 59.95%
Fav @ $1.60 376 wins 661 races 56.88%
Fav @ $1.70 433 wins 861 races 50.29%
Fav @ $1.80 596 wins 1143 races 52.14%
Fav @ $1.90 568 wins 1240 races 45.80%
Fav @ $2.00 540 wins 1294 races 41.73%

This is all tracks, races distances etc over 43691 races. That means that if this representative sample 36+% being maidens etc were filtered out of the equation then the above percentages would have to increase. Maybe enough to actually be in profit. Could somebody please check?
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