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Old 26th April 2011, 03:20 PM
Barny Barny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091

Job123, maybe this selection method is not for you. It requires some work. It encompasses some of the brighter posters logical thoughts posted on here over the years that steer you away from the myriad of systems which all seem to end up with the top 4 picks and are everyone’s favourites.

There are a couple of very good systems on here that have previously been posted, but you need to go back and have a look. These systems would seem to have had a +POT over a fair period of time. Having said that, all stats can be misleading, and some just plain wrong. I’ve found examples of that on here and I think with Malcolm Knowles racing. My selection method, like everything good is continually evolving. I’ve followed similar styles of selection in the past, but until I read the posts here extensively I was unable to make it work. I know I can make this work now. There were a couple of good winners at the weekend, but strangely one was at half the quote I thought it would be ….. I didn’t back it.
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