27th April 2011, 12:41 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,408
I have been going over a few figures and would like some input from members.
These are my current stats.
Outlay 34 Units
Return 47.42 Units
Profit 13.42 Units
SR 32.35%
POT 39.47%
AV/Odds $4.31
Early days but figures are ok, my issue is when i bring a new horse in to the stable i allocate 19 units to be bet on the runner, i did this so i wouldn't bring in more runners than my bank could handle.
The thing is am i going to need all those units for each runner, the answer i am getting from the figures and the fact the research i have done shows NO
If i convert the runs in to a percentage of bet that i would have on runners using a normal betting pattern say 2% this would be a total of 14% over 7 runs, if i convert the units to percentage this would be 19%
Looking at the average starts after a spell that i get a win would be about 4 or 5 using my units allocation this would be about 6% to 9%
So if you follow what i have just said the question would be, should i be worried about my bank being able to cover each runner going all the way to 19 units bet or should i just use a percentage of bank for each unit and let the turn over maintain the bank?