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Old 29th April 2011, 07:07 AM
max max is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 178
Default Suggest a staking plan

So I have a couple of systems that look okay but it occurs to me that a good staking plan could really maximise the wins and reduce the impact of losses.

Can anyone suggest a plan that rewards you well for wins and protects your butt for losses?

I have been playing with a progression of:

1 1 2 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 for a total of 40 units spent.

The idea is to win 100% profit within the 1st 4 attempts at 6/1 (i never bet on 1st or 2nd fav). Then the goal is to make 75% profit on the 5th race, 50% profit on the 6th race and then 25% profit on race 7 and 8. If that still does not work, then race 9 and 10 are set to return the total lost so far. If all fails then 40 units are lost and the progression restarts.

Most of my selection systems pick a few bets per day and I aim for systems with 25%+ S/R's.

So anyone else got any other staking plans they would suggest?
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