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Old 4th March 2004, 08:17 AM
La Mer La Mer is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 578

Lenny, can only assume that you live in either NSW or WA, as it is NOT illegal to use any overseas betting exchange for betting on horse or harness racing elsewhere in Australia - there are no laws that prohibit the use of the likes of Betfair other than in those two states and even then, it is not illegal to bet on sports events with Betfair for those that live in NSW.

Also, no one has ever been prosecuted in NSW for any breach of those laws and it is doubtful anyone ever will and even then it is doubtful that the NSW laws would stand up to a Federal or High court challenge - its very much a toothless tiger used more to to scare people away than anything else.

The hypocrisy of TAB LTd who run those adds thru Sky (whom they own) is that they are in the process of establishing their own betting exchange, for the Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks in its 12 February 2004 edition gazettes the registration by TAB Ltd of "TABFAIR" and "TABEXCHANGE.

Go figure that one out.

And to answer your question - as a long term user of Betfair, never had any hassles and when I've queried them about a couple of issues they have always been most helpful.

[ This Message was edited by: La Mer on 2004-03-04 09:19 ]
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