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Old 9th May 2011, 02:10 PM
max max is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 178

=> Bagwan. Thanks. I think that has naturally been happening anyhow but I will keep that in the filters.

=> Robot. It would be interesting see what fintering out any races with multiple selections at any odds does to the results. I will look into that. To answer your question I check the recent race positions, so if 3 horses at 6.0 are listed with recent runs of s125, 3726, 0374, then the 3rd would be 1st (0374), then the 1st (s125) and then the middle one (3726). If the recent races are the same, then see if the formguide has an arrow for up in class or down in class and choose the down in class. If that is the same, then choose lightest weight. I wont go any further as I have never had any multiples by this stay escpecially when you weed out races that are Maidens or with horses with 0 career starts.
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