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Old 9th May 2011, 10:47 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Yes Job123 , Head for the Hills.

The Punting world is going to end as we know it.

I am typing this from under my bed which is where all the rest of you should be right now.

Jokes aside.

Every method has a thing called runs of outs , we can reasonable predict how long that run will be once we have a stronger understanding of its average SR.
e.g. 20% SR , we can expect at some stage a run of 36 outs in a row.
The expected runs of outs , only apply to that day, because the next day is the start of a new cycle, that's why its not a good idea to carry
progressional bets over to the next day.

Less experienced punters think that as soon as there is one not so good day , they think that's the end of everything as we know it.

That's why stop/ losses are used .

I have seen this many times in the past using the Neurals, but its average percentage SR (20% for top selection) does not change, year to year.

I have seen very expensive rating services do the same thing.

But if one feels strongly enough about the Don Scott selections have indeed turned to putty , start Laying them to fall over and watch what happens to your bank account.

Try and enjoy the Daylight .

I'm going back under my bed now.
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