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Old 10th May 2011, 06:44 AM
max max is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 178

=> Robot. You did explain yourself. Maybe my explanation was not as easy to understand as it is to me, being in the know. I will try and post up a sample race.

In the meantime, WE HAD A WIN! Echuca race 5 returned 4.90 on the 4th favourite. Lower than what we wanted but enough to make a profit for the day using the unit stakes I prescribed. A 7.60 unit profit for the day.

So result to date are now:

Profit$ 249.90
Profit %160.36%

And if I drop races where the 5th fav has the same odds as those following:

Profit$ 260.10
Profit %172.86%
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