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Old 11th May 2011, 06:10 PM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Hi 4Legs.
Try this approach, it has shown to work very well.

.One race per venue.
Start at the first race of the day & work through to a qualifying race.

.Target the first race you can find with 9+ runners. (Important)

.Must be $90.00 or less.
If not , move to next race.

.Target 1 horse per venue.
10 venues = 10 selections.
This usually makes ones SR stronger, rather than chasing every race that moves, that's how punters get bit when Lay betting.

Try not to force a bet if there are no qualifiers for that race, that's where mistakes are made.

Lay Bet Method.
Lay bet 1.00 per 200.00 bank. (.5% of Bank)
This is allowable by Betfair because its Liability is $30+

e.g. 6 races = if 6 successes = 3% increase on bank.
This could equate to 21%+ profit on bank per week.
That's good money.

I believe, one will be very successful, Cherry picking this way.

If you cant get your Lay price , maybe try your luck setting it for in running.

Give it a dry run on past results to see if you can make it fall over , before using real money.
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