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Old 12th May 2011, 05:16 PM
beton beton is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 589

Firstly you make sure that your system has some merit. Top DS has that. Research (just looking at past forum posts will do) will show you that by themselves they will not produce a positive. You apply your rules and see if you can check against a database of past results. This may even require digging up past results yourself. If you are satisfied of the potential then test it with $1 bets. In a week you will know without a doubt whether to persevere with it or not. Then you ask yourself whether the risk reward ratio is worth it. As Pete says it is working. You are trying to tweak it. have some small bets on it. Compare the two. You are asking to compare on SP. In real time nobody knows what this will be. It has to be to your parameters, your emotions. Beton
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