Thread: An observation
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Old 13th May 2011, 06:16 AM
4legs 4legs is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 96

My analysis proved to be very quick. I think I can safely say this system will not work - or if it does the returns would be very, very low. The risk/return is not there as even if you were successful for 29 days, on the 30th day in the blink of an eye you have lost all your profits for the month.

After a month of watching Betfair when time permitted and with these results last night I now realise my mindset for Lay betting was totally incorrect - I simply saw it as the opposite to "win" betting. In a 2 team situation maybe this is correct, but even then it would be good to have "INSURANCE", and I think that word is the key.

On reflection, this has been said (probably many times) on this forum, however I did not have the correct mindset so I glossed over it.

So my new way of thinking is to forget SELECTIONS and concentrate on SITUATIONS which arise on Betfair - the ones where you can take a position and then insure that position, ideally for say a break even for a win and profit when it loses. Or at least a reduced loss if it wins when all does not line up.

Will this be easy? NO I do not think so.

Will it be Possible? I am not sure but I think it is as other posts on this forum also point to similar methods of operating - and the authors certainly seem to know what they are about.

Can I outline these situations? No, not at this stage - I would still need to do a fair bit of work in relation to this; but some of the comments made by others on this forum will be a good place to start.

I also think the stats provided in this thread may assist in identifying a suitable position.

I also realise there are many ways to skin a cat, and I am sure there are many other very successful lay methods out there - some even operating on this forum at the time of this post.

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