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Old 17th May 2011, 07:56 AM
moeee moeee is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 5,359

Originally Posted by ringman
Nice work 3 winners from 4 races and Axeman at very nice odds as was your first wager.

Thanks ringman.

Funny how things don't necessarily reflect in the REAL World.
Many times I pick poorly , but end up having a safe night, and othersI pick well and LOSE Badly.

Last Night went and done some last minute shopping and I bumped into an Old Greyhound friend I ain't seen for a while and stopped and chatted , figuring the occasion was warranted and knew well that I won't get home in time to make the First Race.
Of course it Wins !!

Then I managed to mess up My TAB Account by trying to Login with my CapsLock button on, and found out after 3 tries at logging in with the wrong Password, the Account is closed down

Fortunately My Betfair Account saved the Night.
But unfortunately I lost the plot a little with SHEPPARTON, and lost back an amount of my Cranbourne winnings.

Gambling sure as ******** messes with my head!!

Oh My GOD!!!
It seems "H E L L" is an obscenity.
I wonder if fanny is?
Lets see
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