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Old 17th May 2011, 09:32 PM
The Ocho The Ocho is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,033

G'day guys.

As I'm still searching for a good, auto as possible, method I have bitten the bullet and checked via the Vic TAB web site what would of happened in Race 1 at all Aus venues if I had layed every fav below $2 (for $1) and backed every fav above $2 (for $1) since the 1st of May this year (so a whopping 17 days of results). Unfortunately the results weren't whopping

Back above 2/Lay below 2 = 94 Bets = Total +$1.22

If I had of just layed the favs under 2 (using TAB figures - which are much the same as Betfair figures i think at these low levels)

Lay below 2 = 20 bets = Total +$4.70

Both of the above figures do not take into account any Betfair commission on winnings (if using that joint).

So I just thought I would let anyone know that so far this month, it would of been a big fat waste of time. Lucky for me I only wasted about an hour on this and not 17 days
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