29th May 2011, 04:58 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 696
Originally Posted by moeee
Something that worries me is when an animal has 1 outstanding time.
Obviously it is capable of running that time, but why would you delete it?
And how do you assess whether the time is too fast to include?
The too fast time normally is from races where they start on turns, and they have had an outside box these types are nearly running a straight line and creating a larger radius as I have spoken before, unless they draw the same box and distance its unlikely to be repeated.
When to delete a time in 2nd sectionals, the fastest 2nd sectionals in most dogs LTD form is when they "miss the start" read that again "when they miss the start" cast an eye over your form guide looking for "S" before the calls even if the dog is a front runner type their fastest 2nd sectional is inevitably a race where they missed the start. These are the starts that suck punters in "back me next start" you know the type.