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Old 3rd June 2011, 01:42 PM
max max is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 178
Default Bagwan's 1st 6 races

=> Bagwan. I remember you mentioning in a thread a month or 2 ago about the 3rd fav coming good more often in the 1st 6 races of the day than the rest of the day. I put that fact away for a while and this week I tracked the 1st 6 races each day and came up with some good results.

I checked the 1st 6 favs 1 min before jump for each race and stopped for the day when it won. If it won the 1st race, I kept going until it ran again.

Was there any other filters you suggest applying? Thursday was the only day it did not succeed.

If anyone else has any ideas, they are welcome to drop in as well. And if you would prefer to email me then you can on max stuff 09 @ g mail . com
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