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Old 9th June 2011, 12:47 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

Hi Mattio,
Seeing that you wish to build your own Bot, you probable aware that they often do updates & when they do this ,it will throw your Bot out , so unless you are linked up to their updates , you will have to re-program it all over again it.

I have found the UK races have the same SR as Aust races.

The UK prices can be excellent.
$9.00 winner 1st race tonight in a 5 horse event.
One does not need many in this price range to recover any short falls.

One should expect the odd run of out , that is to be expected for any percentage SR range , so please make oneself aware of the theoretical run of outs to expect, at some stage ,using the expected percentage SR.

One also has to accept that there will be times where it feels like its treading water, but all level stakes plans go through that , this is normal as well as frustrating , but that's level stakes betting for ya.

I tend to look at the figures on a monthly basis, it feels less frustrating that way.

If one is trying to find a pattern , well there isn't one really.

Different folk will get different selections at times, depending when & where the price are taken, but overall the SR tends to pan out much the same over 100 bets.

If one is targeting Aust & UK I feel its a strong idea to bet 1% of bank on a ratchet basis reset when say 50% profit is made.
I find it less frustrating this way.
You will be able to sleep at night if you have a run of say 25 outs in a row, which can happen, with most systems targeting this price range.

It rarely happens with this plan but it can happen, so be prepared.
I have found that it tends to recover to a new bank high fairly quickly , especially when a result is had in the first two races, so hang in there.
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