10th March 2004, 10:28 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 578
On 2004-03-10 10:22, stebbo wrote:
isn't a "transitional" just the old welter under a different name ?
Chris: "Paul Bloodworth of the NSW Handicapper's Panel describes transitional handicaps as the following: With regard to transitionals, they are not necessarily replacing class 6 handicaps, although they are designed to give that horse an option. You may be aware that no class 5 or 6 races will be programmed in NSW any more. They are actually Open Handicaps that will be handicapped around a class 6 scale and are designed to compliment stronger open handicaps programmed around them and provide the weaker type horse an option. This will normally result in them being at least 4kgs weaker and sometimes 8 kg weaker than open handicaps, in any area."
So alhough similar to welters they are not quite the same. Anyway they are being phased out in Sydney at least, if not throughtout NSW, as more changes to programming are introduced.