Thread: A thought ...
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Old 11th June 2011, 05:39 PM
beton beton is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 589

I am only swimming here. I put it here as a contribution and hoped some feedback from the resident Gurus. The backing bet on the fav is a sacrifical bet to soften the ups and downs of the laying the three favs. The greater the amount the more you give away. I looked at a target of $30 and that was too high. I looked at a variable based on the odds and that was too hard to implement. So I figured that $12 would cover most ranges. The best return is only laying the top three if top =<$4. When I run my bot live it is not getting the three bets on and then I have the problem of multiple bets. If I could just be sure of getting the three lays matched then I would set and forget and just do the necessary each day to ensure that it is operating. Beton
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