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Old 12th June 2011, 07:25 PM
Neil Neil is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 804

Originally Posted by marksto2
The bookmakers do the ratings and there opening prices should be the most accurate market to a the runners chances. If you just adjust the prices % to under 100% and bet the overlays then you have the answer.

So why bother with ratings? The bookies such as IAS keep those horses well under the odds that they know are likely to win. They employ people to rate and ensure the most accurate prices are put up.

Why bother doing ratings when all ratings are identical?

Why bother doing ratings when all ratings have the same horses in the same rated order?

Why bother doing ratings when all ratings that give dollar odds price assessments have the same horses in the same rated order with the same dollar odds price assessments?

Need I say more?
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