Thread: A thought ...
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Old 13th June 2011, 10:44 PM
beton beton is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 589

Right lets look at the figures.
Lay the top 3 to $30 liability. For this exercise we assume the 2nd fav at $4 (about average) and the third fav at $6(ditto)
Top fav $2
1st wins then -$30 + $10 + $6 we lose -$14.
2nd wins then -$30 + $30 + $6 we are +$6
3rd wins then -$30 +$30 + $10 we gain +$10
4th plus wins we gain +$30 +$10 +$6 = +$46
At $2 the strike rates are 42% 20% and 13% respectfully.
Thus per 100 races we lose -$588 on the fav, but gain +$120 on the 2nd and +$130 on the 3rd and we have 4th plus at 25% thus we gain +$1150. Total gain $812. With similar working this is +$1227 at $1.50, +$1175 at $1.70, $521 at $2.50, $418 at $3.00, +$453 at $3.50, +$465 at $4.00 and +$337 at $4.50. Race weighted the average should be about $500 per 100 races. Please note that at $2.50 you lose on the three top favs laying but have a 30% SR with the 4th plus.

Bhagwan HELP Please what settings would you use with Betbotpro with this method.
Thanks Beton
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