Thread: In Your Opinion
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Old 19th June 2011, 08:36 PM
gunny72 gunny72 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 147

Thanks Raven

I used this system successfully for about 10 years with a 5% pot most years but in recent years I can't get the value I used to get although the winners keep coming at the same rate and I agree with your 9% lot result. I backed 2 horses a race but chose the longest priced ones from the top three at 3 mins before the race with a minimum $3.50 price, and did I get some great results.

You must have very good resources to produce these stats so quickly and I appreciated reading them. Actually, as I was trying to keep things simple, I just doubled the win% but in fact I used a factor of 2.175 as I found the average place% was 2.175 times the average win% for about 3000 horses.

I am currently trying variations with this idea in attempt to get better value.
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