Thread: Can this work?
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Old 25th June 2011, 11:59 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,418

G'day max, I felt compelled to respond as I have been chasing the golden egg for many years, it took at least 40 years to finally accept that "Target" or cover to win , or stop at win, IN THE LONG TERM is NOT the way to go. It does work for a while , and can work for a LONG while but always in the end mathes will cut in and clean you out, winnings and banks galore.

I still can't really call myself a "PROFESSIONAL" punter as I do not derive all my income from the punt, BUT I do aspire to that , and for the last 5 years (out of 48 years punting) I HAVE made a profit.

In my case I am very happy with around 4.5% on turnover, but I would quickly say that, I only HOPE that will continue, I hope ,but I don't really know.

If I could stick my neck out, I would say that 25% POT is a total pipe dream.

If anyone is achieving it LONG TERM then they have privy to info that I definitely don't.

Now having said all that I have shown at least twice on this forum, that with determined staking you can turn a profit.

I have said several times that nearly all systems "work".......... but not all the time, (the knockers refused to acknowledge that I added that bit)

What I am getting at, is there is a case for following a systematic approach
with an aggressive staking plan, a "making hay while the sun shines attitude" i.e. you know it will fail eventually BUT you are risking a given amount chasing a freak run that you can capitalise on. another way of thinking!!
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