Thread: Can this work?
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Old 26th June 2011, 10:46 AM
partypooper partypooper is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark
I'd be happy with 2% !!!!!

Currently 1.65% this year.

G'day Mark, now I'd be happy with 1.65% with your turnover and no risk component as well!

To achieve 4,5% I just can't get the turnover, and yes I've tried "just increasing stakes" and the divvies were definitely affected even with mere $500 bets, especially midweek. in short the idea fell flat, until I swapped back to $200 bets maximum, that's why I am always on the lookout for another angle.

Max, one area that you don't seem to understand is this say you have $10,000 in the bank and you're getting 5% so have an income of $500, now if that $10,000 were applied to a betting strategy making 5% ON TURNOVER,with say 10-12 bets a day or about a 100 bets a week @ $100 each, then you are turning over $500,000 year (roughly) x 5% = $25,000. PLUS don't forget that the majority of that bank will be sitting in a deposit account anyway still earning 5% P/A, most of the time anyway.
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