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Old 19th July 2011, 11:42 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

If I were to give my perception of the rules, but maybe not necessarily that particular version, it might go something like this...

Target top 2 selections of any Tipster.

Selection is the runner that ran exactly 2nd LS
No resumers.

Price 4.00-8.00

Lay bet .7% of bank.

Stop betting for the day if we get bit 3 times at any stage. (Important)
With any lay betting plan , they all experience the odd day where say 6 Horses decide to win instead of falling over for us , thus giving back all our profits.
So stop at 3 outs & we will be fine.

This works amazingly well.

Optional- Target only one selection per venue.
e.g. 6 venues = 6 selections.
6 x .7% of bank = 4.2% increase on bank
This works very well & avoids most runs of outs.

It is very common to find that we dont get bit at all for the whole day.
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