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Old 25th July 2011, 11:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Statistics Rating Program

Hi all, I have just joined this forum after reading many previous threads and getting lots of ideas and hope to get more from future threads.

Over the past 18 months I have been developing a program that rates purely on statistics, and while its not a 'winner' at this point, its doing better than I normally achieve without it. The problem though is not so much with the program, but with the rating system just coming up with similar selections to most tipsters and other ratings systems. I have been getting reasonable results from backing my top selection for a place and using the winnings to fund betting on long shots that get selected from time to time.

I am currently doing a complete rewrite of my program based on my experience to date and when completed (probably in about 6 months) I will make the program available to all to build their own database.

To give an idea of the way the program builds the database:
1) RaceCard and past Form (Same source as SportsBet but available sooner)
2) Opening markets and form comments
3) Results
4) Other
Possibly UniTab ratings.

The information at each of these sites will be downloaded automatically by the program.

The database will not be SQL because of many reasons that any programmer will give you. However, if there is interest, I may make an 'Export to SQL' function so people that want this can use it.

The reason I posting this is to see if anyone has other info that needs to be included in the Database. Please tell me now, because in 6 months time it will be a lot more hassle to add it in.

Best regards and good luck to all
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