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Old 26th July 2011, 09:07 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
Hi Max ,
That is a live market with live fluctuations your talking about , no pre-post.
e,g, newspaper prices.

It would take a lot of extra programming to do that.

You are right Bhagwan - additionally, there is the problem that if the program wasn't active at the time there would be 'holes' in the database for these figures.

I will keep it it mind tho, as it would be very handy for a quick reference to where to get the best price just before the 'off'.

Users would need to be aware that constantly refreshing several sites info every few minutes would have dramatic implications on any download limits imposed by their ISP.

A very good thought, but one that will be considered in a future version of the program.

Thanks for your thoughts Max
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