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Old 27th July 2011, 10:33 AM
Barny Barny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091

moeee, you sound like a politician, lots of platitudes but no substance. You've told Max he's looking at the wrong information but you fail to offer an alternative.

Max, 'ol son I'll help you out ..... seriously!

Go back through ALL the posts on here, it's worth it. Forget about blindly following a system that's been statistically proven to have worked over several years simply because the data used for that system may be flawed.

Among many systems there's a very good one posted way back, but still here, that shows good profit and it's logical. Looking deeper at the S/R and average price of the winners, one could conclude that a few longshots maybe have gotten this system over the line. But it would still be profitable without these longshots.

I can understand your frustration because many systems do work and work well, but I'm guessing that the reason the "published" systems fail is that too many people jump on the back of them and force the price down to a level where they show a loss.

Don't disregard "simple" systems that take into account top 2 tipsters, pre-post etc, etc. It's not my go but there are just some recurring things in racing that seem to go back to the year dot.

Forget your frustration and start afresh and read ALL the posts on here. Do say 5 pages a day, it'll take a while but there's some really good information in there. Sometimes you need to read between the lines and maybe connect the dots from various sources but it can be done.

We're told there's a small percentage of punters who regularly win. There's a lot of mugs out there with too much money who lose the lot, there's a lot of perennial losers who find a successful method and jump off when it goes astray only to jump on to another successful method and jump off when it goes astray. They've lost when they could have won?!

The systems with too many rules, form, distance, days between runs will reurn a loss. Backfitted systems are dangerous. Follow the herd and you're guranteed to at best lose the TAB take out of 15%, or the lot of you have no self control.

Start reading Max ..........
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