4th August 2011, 11:15 AM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 2,435
Many thanks Angry, Silver & Shaun 'n'all, I'm sure I'll get something suitable out of those leads, I'll let you know what I get.
Now, for something else, as I said I had several machines playing up so just thought I'd have a go and re-load the disk,...... first with the lap top, presto worked a treat, all my old stuff still there but I can also get on the net now etc. so success.
So then I thought I'd try it on the desktop. copied what I needed to a Flash Voyager USB and re-loaded the disk following the prompts exactly the same, it kinda worked; but has wiped everything and I sarted again with a clean comp, loaded the Broadband USB and it works ok (using it now) loaded Works (as most of my files are Works) but when I plugged in the Voyager all the files are shown as corrupted and can't open??
Got a yell of a shock as there is YEARS of research, so plugged into the Lap Top and breathed a sigh of relief as most of the files are accessable (but not all) does any of that make sense?
The ones that are not accessable come up with that prompt asking what programme created it etc etc
Oh yes and also the desktop er how do I explain .....too big for the screen I suppose you'd say I've clicked everything from herte to there but can't seem to change the setting?