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Old 30th May 2002, 03:08 PM
Reenster Reenster is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 83

I agree with you Gun, but you guys are arguing over terms. I assume those of us who call gambling on horses "investing" do so because they believe acquiring knowledge about the relative chances of a horse to win a race and obtaining value from their bookmaker about that horse will give them the edge that allows their bank to increase over time (and so provide a revenue stream).

However, investing in shares is also a gamble. There's no rule that says if you buy shares you are guaranteed a revenue stream and certainly not a capital gain, even if you stick to blue chips (Telstra 2 subscribers will testify to that). Again, with the share market, you acquire knowledge and make an informed, educated decision as to which shares to buy and hopefully with that knowledge, increase your chances of making a gain. It's still a gamble, just much less of a gamble than horse racing.

You say potato, I say potahto, let's call the whole thing off.
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