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Old 6th August 2011, 02:14 PM
Silver_and_sand Silver_and_sand is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 335

G'day Sportz. I was just wondering how do you utilize your ratings? I assume you only back your selections if you can get more than the price you think they're worth. Do you lay any selections that are shorter than your rated prices too, or do you only back to win?

Do you bother considering selections with a rating of 9 or less; if you could get odds of $110 on a horse you've only given a rating of 1 and therefore priced at $100 do you bet it, or not bother?

Sorry to be nosey. I'm just curious as I've never priced a market myself, though it seems like a very logical thing to do. Do you have any tips or suggestions on pricing a market?
...time held me green and dying, though I sang in my chains like the sea. - Dylan Thomas
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