29th August 2011, 09:37 AM
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 37
The tips I got with your rules are top nuerals default top dist numbers 1 2 3 or 4 only ( I assume outright top on points no equal top on points these are made after scracthings )Hobart race 4 no 4--- Hobart race 5 no 4 ---sunshine coast race 7 no 1 --pakenham race 6 number 1 sandown race 1 no 1---- so 2 winners paying 1.80 and 1.10 The point is there may be more selections to it if scracthings are known . Have you done any study in say top rated nuerals with top rated time nuerals or top cp nuerals ? I the saw the winner of the steeple at sandown race 4 no 9 pay $90 this was top rated bt the carear ratings have you or anyone else have data on the top carear tip ?