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Old 9th September 2011, 09:49 AM
pharfromoz pharfromoz is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1,501

okay kiwi

it has to do with horses running on the turf 2nd time off of the synthetics with no layoffs in between. been studying it in the states and noticed they regress when they hit the turf right off synthetics. so i watch and saw a pattern where they went back to form on the 2nd run off synth. but have noticed recently from watching australia that the 2nd run doesnt always move forward if its a slow or heavy track. so make the call that the horse loves the wet track or blackbook and try the 3rd run to see if its on the prefered ground. you can look through the form and notice it if you look for it.

theres all kinds of ways to look and play with it. like for instance a horse thats debuts on synth or has had a big break and came back to first off break to synth then most of the time they can transfer straight to turf. you can also look at horses that were on the synth then went back to turf but he took a layoff before hitting the 2nd time off. you can look back to his previous form and make a call that he run back to his top numbers either first or second start back. but its all about his previous turf form before hitting the synth is the horses career.

id say look at it and play around with it could be a good toll in the arsonal. definitley incorporate it into your capping. you should find some sweet prices. since ive start looking at it ive rolled in a ton of longshots compared to any other angle ive used in the past.

playing with the strathyr it seems to show the same effect when going back to turf but thats the newest one ive been playing with. seems to show that the horse can make a transfer on to synth and can handle it most of the time.
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