22nd September 2011, 09:24 AM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 11
Originally Posted by Bhagwan
We are assuming that the Fav only is targeted.
We are assuming Betfair figures would normally be used.
Looking at Todays result UniTAB figures as a guide only .(Tues)
It went very well for a profit .
Only bit once for 2.00 (UniTAB figures)
The rest fell over for us.
Well done Benny.
So Bhagwan, with your amendments to Benny's rules it is:
1. maidens only
2. Must be the the fav and must be between $1.50 and $5.00
3. must have finished 2nd or 3rd, in last race
4. Must have started 7 or more days ago
Is that what you are assessing? that is a little different to Benny's original rules which allowed for multiple selections (other than the fav and outside the $1.50-$5 range... or have I got it wrong??